After upgrading to the latest Docker on Mac 3.0.0, ran into mounting issue. If your docker is upgraded and your docker container cannot mount your local host directory, disable “use gRPC FUSE for file sharing” in the Experimental Features.

There are 2 posts tagged mac (this is page 1 of 1).
After upgrading to the latest Docker on Mac 3.0.0, ran into mounting issue. If your docker is upgraded and your docker container cannot mount your local host directory, disable “use gRPC FUSE for file sharing” in the Experimental Features.
I always used my dev host at slicehost to test/experiment/host my website running off nginx. SSH and SFTP served my purpose without much troubles. However, today I felt that I wanted to replicate my dev env for my macbook and found this very useful link.
How to install Nginx on Mac OSX 10.5 using MacPorts
p.s. I also got to know about MacPorts today. 🙂