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Fighting Gravity vs Matrix Ping Pong.

I happened to watch the excerpt of “fighting gravity” from America’s Got Talent. Judges were like “you are so original”, “great”, and so on. However, it’s not quite original in my opinion. I believe credit should be given to the japanese matrix ping pong.

Anyways, here are two clips:

“Fighting Gravity from America’s Got Talent”:

Matrix Ping Pong from a Japanese show program:

  1. 언제보아도 재미있는 핑퐁. ㅋ
    요즘 이런 아이디어들을 미디어에 넣을려고 하는데 머리 아프다. 흐

  2. 꽤 interestingí•œ 토픽인걸. 요즘 너 블로그에 올린 플래시 작품들을 봤는데 ì—„ì²­ 나! 🙂

  3. Great blog. Lots of blogs like this cover subjects that cant be found in print. I dont know how we got by 12 years ago with just magazines and newspapers.

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  • World Wide News Flash September 18, 2011

    Fighting Gravity vs Matrix Ping Pong. ? web technologist…

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