in Personal

Need to write down more often.

I just realized that writing down knowledge or techniques that I’ve already known or practices for a long time helps me organize them in the brain well. Some people talk about a particular topic and I just hear over what they talk thinking “I know about it and have used it already” and then do not join the conversation. That’s a big mistake that I make every single day.

It’s like this: Let’s imagine for seconds. There are many post-its on a table with specific instructions on them for tasks. When there are 10 of them, you can easily find them. However, when there are over 100 or 1000 of them, finding the right post-it note is merely impossible or it will take at least several minutes to several hours. Over time, those post-its will get stacked more and more.

Organizing post-its will definitely get you to find the right one much faster. I think brain works that way. You gain so much knowledge daily basis and if you don’t organize your knowledge well it will be like you have 1000 or move post-its notes everywhere on your desk. I think writing down those things helps you organize your knowledge. Also it can be your future references when you need to recall how you did it in the past.